Plagron Supermix 1 ltr
Bio Supermix is a unique and very complete natural fertilizer. It is balanced and includes living fungi and bacteria, vitamins and minerals, trace elements, worm humus and Guano Peru for optimal development of the plant. Bio Supermix creates a rich soil and increases resistance.
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Plagron Supermix 1 ltr
Bio Supermix is a unique and very complete natural fertilizer. It is balanced and includes living fungi and bacteria, vitamins and minerals, trace elements, worm humus and Guano Peru for optimal development of the plant. Bio Supermix creates a rich soil and increases resistance.
application for a complete fertilizer rich soil.
Contains all fertilizers in the optimal ratio
Stimulates the soil
Increases resistance
Feather meal, bone meal, Guano Peru, rock phosphate, maerl, bentonite, basalt, seaweed meal, lava flour. Solution of organic NPK fertilizer (1-2-0). 1.2% total nitrogen (N) of which 1.2% organically bound nitrogen, 1.6% water-soluble phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5), 0.35% water-soluble potassium oxide (K2O).
Full soil: 1 liter per 10-20 m2.
Potting soil: 25-50 liters per 1,000 liters of potting soil.
Pot of 1 liter
5 liter bucket
Bag of 25 liters
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