B'cuzz Janeco light mix 50 liter
B'cuzz Janeco lightmix. The lightly fertilized soil has the advantage that this will not become fertilized. Somewhat 'difficult' types of fast
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B'cuzz Janeco light mix 50 liter
Jane Comix is an ideal base substrate which virtually any crop is good to grow. The lightly fertilized soil has the advantage that this will not become fertilized. Somewhat 'difficult' types of fast In addition to a light dosage of fertilizers Jane Comix also contains perlite, so that the substrate remains sufficiently airy and there is also an optimal water management is created. When growing on Jane Comix earth can it be that we have no power to give. The first three weeks Namely the earth mixture contains sufficient fertilizers for the first three weeks, depending on the number of plants and the size of the pots. After this period Atami advises to fatten for optimal results.