Atami Ata Terra Leaves 5 ltr
Terra Leaves is a complete compound food that specifically focuses on the plant's growth cycle.
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Atami ATA Terra Leaves 5 liters
Terra Leaves is a complete compound food that specifically focuses on the plant's growth cycle. It ensures that the plants focus in particular on the development of large, vital side branches and shoots, so that the plants grow rapidly in size. Terra Leaves is immediately soluble in water and easily absorbed by the plant. This makes the result noticeable quickly.
Can be used daily during the entire growing stage when watering the crop.
Growing tip:
Ideal for airy, calcareous (pot) soils.
Quality guaranteed:
The stimulators and liquid power supplies from Atami are sealed under the twist cap and packaged light-tight, which guarantees quality.
1-5 ml per liter of feed water.
NPK value:
3-1-3 (w / v)
pH between 4.5 and 6.5