Geni Enzym 1 ltr
We offer natural enzyme preparation based on 15 different enzymes. These enzymes ensure rapid digestion of old root remains which pathogens have no chance.
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Geni Enzym 1 ltr
We offer natural enzyme preparation based on 15 different enzymes. These enzymes ensure rapid digestion of old root remains which pathogens have no chance.
Geni Enzyme also contains vitamins that promote root growth and increase the absorption capacity of the roots.
In nature the plant regulates its own optimum soil environment using a well developed micro life. The microorganisms produce enzymes which degrade dead plants accelerated. Because these micro-organisms are not or hardly present in the substrate, the required enzymes are also not be created.
Geni Enzyme offers this solution. Using the enzymes the dead plant parts, such as roots are digested. The digestion moreover takes no oxygen.