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Superthrive 960 ml
SuperThrive is a concentrated mix of vitamins and hormones, which engages directly in the metabolism of the plants and the condition improves visible. This results in stronger growth and a richer bloom.
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Superthrive 960ml
SuperThrive is a concentrated mix of vitamins and hormones, which engages directly in the metabolism of the plants and the condition improves visible. This results in stronger growth and a richer bloom.
SuperThrive for all plants and suitable for all applications.
Strengthens the flower and resin formation
Activates the flowering and growth hormones
More light shooting and fast transport in the plant, more metabolic short, healthier plants and better harvest!
Vitamins and Hormones SuperThrive all play a major role in the metabolism of the plants. Principle make the plants all the substances themselves to food from the inorganic salts. If one gives the plant these vital substances in a ready-made form the plant can skip the process of creating and saving time and energy. This extra energy will use the plant for especially intensive flowering and strong growth throughout the period.
DOSAGE: 1ml for 4 liters of irrigation water, 100 ml is sufficient for the production of 400 liters of water.
SuperThrive administered regularly during the growing and flowering period. SuperThrive in the irrigation water give or spraying.