Atami Ata NRG Root-C 250ml
De Biologische NRG Root-C wortelstimulator zorgt voor een snelle en krachtige groei van het wortelstelsel, wat dus bijdraagt aan een goede ontwikkeling van de plant.
Atami Ata NRG Root-C 250ml
The Organic NRG Root-C root stimulator ensures a fast and powerful growth of the root system, which contributes to a good development of the plant. It also has a preventive effect against various soil diseases such as Pythium, Fusarium and Root Louse. Because the roots will branch faster and increase in volume, the plant will have more hold in the soil and the size above ground will increase, this will naturally lead to a better yield in the final stage.
Add to the feed water from the first week. From the third week replaced for Atami Ata NRG Alga-C.
Growing tip:
It is advised to use Root-C at the start of the growing cycle and to switch to Alga-C after the second week, in this way the best result is achieved!
1ml to 5ml per liter of feed water.